POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : The pov-state file : The pov-state file Server Time
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  The pov-state file  
From: redmasq
Date: 5 Nov 2013 16:05:00
Message: <web.52795d286352b8f8977f711e0@news.povray.org>
I notice with some of my renders that it'll get to 99% and there are a few
blocks that are taking their dear sweet time (I've once waited 3 days for the
last 200 pixels to finish when the other 99% only took a few hours). Since
POV-Ray doesn't support "repartitioning" of the render blocks, I was thinking
that could re-render from source those missing blocks albeit with a smaller
block size and using the start and end columns to fill in the blanks. Now to the
point: does there exist any documentation (beyond the source code) of the
pov-state file. My idea was to copy the pov-state file and read the copy with a
simple program which will export an image in probably png. Based on behavior
seen, I surmise that the file contains a series of blocks that can be "played"
to generate the image. If not available, that's okay, I can read the source and
write a quickie program, but if someone has already made an effort to at least
document, maybe an existing utility... no need to duplicate effort.

Thank you in advance.

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