For one of my hobby projects I've been attempting to build a very large map of
an island. Nothing fancy, just a height field with trees and grass on it and a
bunch of textures.
My intent is to make a very large render of this map and use it in a flash
application. The application will only show a small portion of the map at any
given time and the user can click around on it.
In an attempt to create this map I added a very large resolution to the
quickres.ini - 38400x21600 . So far that approach has only resulted in a totally
unresponsive pov-ray - and I think I even want a bigger resolution :-)
To solve this, I would like to stitch smaller images together.
So, what I've tried is to make an orthographic camera:
location <5,15,0>*0.05 right <1,0,0> up <0,1,0> look_at 0
At this point I figured that rendering multiple images can be done by sliding
the z-direction, say (for 10 images):
location <5,15,clock*9.8>*0.05 right <1,0,0> up <0,1,0> look_at
(I've intentionally chosen 9.8 instead of 10 to have a small overlap that I can
use to stitch things together with standard software -- I haven't tested this
yet, but I suppose it should work)
However, that's about as far as I got; at this point I have no clue how to do
the same trick in the x direction.
Any help is appreciated!
Kind regards,
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