Alain <aze### [at] qwertyorg> wrote:
> > Added more detail of the space station as a whole.
> Comming good.
> I hope that the landing platform/garage don't rotate with the rest of
> the station. Otherwise, of the 4 craft it contains, only the purple one
> won't be ejected.
There is an inner shell and an outer shell. The inner shell is the one that
rotates, and it only contains the buildings.
> But then, if it don't rotate, the floors are useless as there is no
> effective gravity and everything will be free floating.
The floors are there to secure the ships (magnetically?) to keep them from
floating around if something gets bumped. Otherwise, you're right, the docking
area is zero-G.
> Those transparent domes have what function? Been on the outside, they
> should rotate with the bulk of the station, what /looks/ like a floor is
> realy a ceiling. They absolutely can't be used as greenhouses.
> If the outer hull don't spin, then you can't grow plants there anyway:
> Plants need at least some gravity to properly grow and the mass of the
> station is not huge enough for that purpose. In zero G/micro-gravity,
> you can only grow unicellular algaes.
They are intended as greenhouses. I didn't realize that plants can't grow in
zero gravity.
> The floor of the living area seems to not reaching the end caps. Does
> that mean that the hull don't spin? I don't think that is't a good
> setup. To much risks of mechanical failure, also a source of undesirable
> heat, vibrations and noise, not to mention a waste of energy. Just the
> diferential rotation will create a LOT of noise from the relative wind,
> turbulence and edies...
That's something I need to fix. The inner shell is supposed to be
fully-enclosed, but I didn't get around to modeling the inner end-caps yet.
> Alain
Thanks for reviewing my scene!
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