Hi Anthony,
Since your planet is far away, you may also want to consider using the aoi
pattern to fake an atmospheric glow. Although it doesn't give that soft/hazy
look, it renders very fast. Here's a code snippet and an example of what it
looks like (with the USS Enterprise, of course! :-)
#declare p_planet_atmosphere =
pigment {rgbt <0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5>}; // adjust transparancy component to
change atmospheric translucency
#declare p_planet_atmosphere_glow =
pigment {rgb <0.9,0.95,1>*1.8}; // atmospheric glow
#declare p_planet_atmosphere =
pigment {
pigment_map {
[0.5 p_planet_atmosphere_glow]
[0.7 p_planet_atmosphere]
#declare t_planet_atmosphere =
texture {pigment {p_planet_atmosphere}
finish {ambient 0}
union {
sphere {0,3 texture {T_Stone22 finish {phong 0 ambient 0 reflection 0}}
} // planet surface
sphere {0,3.0001 texture {t_planet_atmosphere}}
// planet atmosphere
// need a bright light to make it glow
Rob Fitzel
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