POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : The Other Dark Knight : The Other Dark Knight Server Time
2 Nov 2024 06:15:21 EDT (-0400)
  The Other Dark Knight  
From: Samuel Benge
Date: 12 Apr 2011 23:20:01
Message: <web.4da5161bf71eadb8d2dbb2ff0@news.povray.org>

If I had to pick a favorite super-villain, it would have to be Darth Vader. Why,
you might ask? Sure, he can wield a light saber with /some/ finesse, but not a
double-sided one. He can move objects with his mind, but he hasn't ever shocked
anyone with pure static electricity (not that I remember, anyway). Let's face
it: he's mediocre when it comes to The Force. Granted, he's more adept than any
of /us/, but he's not the *best*. So, why?

You see, Darth Vader, while all ominous and deep into the dark side, had
eventually come around. It's a shame he had caused so much trouble while alive,
but he moved over to the Light Side before it was too late. You might call this
a small concession, a last minute act of contrition, but he had discovered a way
to exist outside of death, and had indeed lived on even to encourage new Jedis!

I don't like villains (not even the super kind), but Darth changed for the
better; he showed everyone that whenever you can still breathe (if only barely),
you can change!

The sooner the better!


The Lego mesh comes from Reuben Pearse (thanks!). The scene was rendered with
focal blur and a micronormal for all surfaces (to soften the reflections). It
was given post-processing glare, chromatic aberration and noise, all in-POV.

Happy Raytracing!


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