"crowbait" <cro### [at] mailgoonejp> wrote:
> Hello,
> > look as if they are
> > hugging.
> Yes, I was captivated by them.
> Also the crowd look avoiding shadow of the race course.
> If they placed randomly as you say, or not, really pretty
> presentment.
> Thank you very much.
Yeah the crowd's placed randomly. I used a radial placement like this:
#local rs = seed(2211);
#local DISTRIBUTION = .7;
#local RADIUS = 50;
So they're laid out in a circle, with a slightly higher density in the middle
than on the edge (if you set DISTRIBUTION to .5 the density becomes roughly
even, higher values concentrate more in the middle, lower concentrate more at
the edge). I placed the circle so it would be concentric with the curve of the
track in the foreground, so nobody would stand under the track.
As Alain said, the fact that they overlap is an obvious symptom of automated
random placement. If I placed them by hand I wouldn't have overlapped any.
Twitter/Flickr/PSN/XBLA: TekF
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