POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Crevice grime : Re: Crevice grime Server Time
2 Nov 2024 08:20:14 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Crevice grime  
From: Trevor G Quayle
Date: 14 Mar 2011 20:05:01
Message: <web.4d7eac3d50dd01ddb05ef170@news.povray.org>
"Robert McGregor" <rob### [at] mcgregorfineartcom> wrote:
> This looks very promising, Trevor.
> How's it look with the elephant turned y*45, and with some sort of shading?
> (i.e., other than the white and grime). Just wondering if the occlusion still
> works at some arbitrary angle to the camera...

Thanks.  It should work at any angle, as I am basically tracing rays directly
from the camera itself to only test the visible parts.  Right now, the way it is
set up, if I shoot rays from a different location than the camera, you would se
where it is not test (backside)  same with if I had reflections.  I am just
using a faked raytrace method for testing purposes.

What I would intend to do is try to find a way to implement in the code itself
where it would use the traced rays themselves (similar to AO).

Shading isn't properly implemented at the moment either, as I haven't figured
out how to implement the results as a pigment, so right now it is just tiny
coloured shperes, though I do intersect them with the base object to try to
maintain the surface somewhat.

It really isn't what I would classify as occlusion: I am tracing rays from the
surface of the object at a given angle from the normal and testing for self

I still have lots of things to test and work out (not to mention trying to
figure out POV compiling perhaps at some point in time).

One thing I am thinking about trying is adaptive subsampling.


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