POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Recreating an old texture : Recreating an old texture Server Time
2 Nov 2024 12:20:53 EDT (-0400)
  Recreating an old texture  
From: Edouard
Date: 19 Dec 2010 04:15:02
Message: <web.4d0dcc31584f4cd3e45c8dfa0@news.povray.org>
I was recently asked about an old render I did:

but I'd long since lost the source to it...

So I spent an hour or two recreating the texture, since it wasn't that hard, and
I do
rather like the effect. The code is pretty messy, and relies on two external
images (one for the pattern, and another one for the brush marks), but apart
from that it's basically Rune's old brush metal texture from

As is almost always the case with anything I post here, it could really do with
being used in a
scene with more than a single plane with a sphere...


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