clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Please help us with some details. What pattern are you using, and what
> textures do you map?
> As a quick guess I'd say you're using an image_pattern and experiencing
> gamma issues.
These are the textures in my image that changed from Beta 39 to 40. The textures
that don't use "texture_map" remained the same. The final textures that are
applied to the objects are called "CaseColor" and "BulletColor."
#macro MakeCaseColor ()
#local CaseBrilliance = 9;
#local CaseDiffuse = .4;
#local CaseColor2 = texture { //Top
#local Brightness = .85;
#local NColors = 4;
#local ColorX = array [NColors] {
<117. 94, 63> / 255 * Brightness //Light brown
<49, 39, 36> / 255 * Brightness //Dark red
<78, 65, 49> / 255 * Brightness //Medium brown
<98, 73, 43> / 255 * Brightness //Light brown
} //array
pigment {
turbulence .8
omega 1
color_map {
#local I = 0;
#while (I < NColors)
[I / (NColors - 1) color ColorX [I]]
#local I = I + 1;
#end //#while
} //color_map
scale .1
} //pigment
finish {
brilliance 2
diffuse .3
specular .55
roughness .15
reflection .02
emission .35
} //finish
} //texture
#local Brightness = 1;
#local CaseColor1A = texture { //Bottom
pigment {color rgb <171, 115, 64> / 255 * Brightness} //Light brown
finish {
brilliance CaseBrilliance
diffuse CaseDiffuse
specular .8
roughness .01
reflection .28
emission 0
} //finish
} //texture
#local CaseColor1B = texture { //Bottom
pigment {color rgb <127, 74, 24> / 255 * Brightness} //Medium brown
finish {
brilliance CaseBrilliance
diffuse CaseDiffuse
specular .55
roughness .015
reflection .08
emission 0
} //finish
} //texture
#local CaseColor1C = texture { //Bottom
pigment {color rgb <99, 59, 23> / 255 * Brightness} //Dark brown
finish {
brilliance CaseBrilliance
diffuse CaseDiffuse
specular .45
roughness .02
reflection .05
emission 0
} //finish
} //texture
#local CaseColor1 = texture { //Bottom
turbulence .8
omega 1
texture_map {
[0 CaseColor1B]
[.3 CaseColor1A]
[.7 CaseColor1A]
[1 CaseColor1C]
} //texture_map
scale .075
} //texture
#local VerticalVariance = rand (Randomizer_Misc) * .8 - .4;
#declare CaseColor = texture {
gradient y
texture_map {
[0 CaseColor1] //Bottom
[.6 + VerticalVariance CaseColor1]
[1 CaseColor2] //Top
} //texture_map
scale 53
translate -.1 * y
} //texture
#end //#macro MakeCaseColor
//End of texture, start of the next one...
#local BulletBrilliance = 9;
#local BulletDiffuse = .4;
#local Brightness = .55;
#local Copper_New = color rgb <247, 162, 108> / 255;
#local BulletColor1 = texture {
pigment {color Copper_New * Brightness}
finish {
brilliance BulletBrilliance
diffuse BulletDiffuse
specular .8
roughness .008
reflection .4
emission 0
} //finish
} //texture
#local BulletColor2 = texture {
#local NColors = 3;
#local ColorX = array [NColors] {
<146, 98, 90> / 255 * Brightness //Medium red
<189, 102, 90> / 255 * Brightness //Light orange
<148, 124, 114> / 255 * Brightness //Grayish red
} //array
pigment {
color_map {
[0 color ColorX [0]]
[.4 color (ColorX [0] + ColorX [1]) / 2]
[.5 color ColorX [1]]
[1 color ColorX [2]]
} //color_map
scale 2
} //pigment
finish {
brilliance BulletBrilliance
diffuse BulletDiffuse
specular .4
roughness .01
reflection .2
emission 0
} //finish
} //texture
#local BulletColor = texture {
turbulence .2
omega 1.2
texture_map {
[0 BulletColor1]
[.65 BulletColor1]
[1 BulletColor2]
} //texture_map
scale <1, 2.5, 1>
} //texture
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