Alain <aze### [at] qwertyorg> wrote:
> On my display, the top two strips looks skewed toward black, with the
> two rightmost areas undistinguishable.
That might be due to a slight error with your monitor set-up...and mine. :-)
I've noticed that, when using v3.6.1 and rendering a similar 0-to-100% gray
chart (and using the *old* assumed_gamma of 2.2 or just leaving it out, same
thing) that I get the same 'look' as his top two charts--but I need to carefully
adjust my monitor's gamma-related stuff (brightness and contrast) to get a good
visual separation between those two darkest bands. If my monitor isn't
calibrated properly, those two bands appear identical, same as you.
> The bottom strip does appears as
> regularly stepped shades, with all shades clearly distinct from is't
> neibours.
Yes--but, as the poster says, they are reproducing a 'parabolic' brightness
curve (his words), rather than the *expected*, *visually* linear curve.
("Expected" meaning, simply what he--and I--have been used to seeing in our
previous scenes, using assumed_gamma 2.2 rather than 1.0-- and prior to v3.7's
new gamma changes.)
I'm not saying that any of this is correct or incorrect--just *different* from
3.7. (I surely don't want to get into any late argument about the pros or cons
of the 3.7 gamma changes. ;-)
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