POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : SSLT Fun : SSLT Fun Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:18:30 EST (-0500)
  SSLT Fun  
From: Robert McGregor
Date: 21 Sep 2010 23:45:01
Message: <web.4c9978f935d8e4da1a939910@news.povray.org>
More SSLT fun, and maybe I've got this all wrong, but I'm following Jaime's
wise ignorancia philosophy and this is working for me right now...

Please pardon the code here, but I think it's nice posted all in one spot like

// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File        : sslt_spheres.pov
// Version     : 3.7
// Description : Playing with SSLT stuff
// Date        : 09/21/2010
// Author      : Robert W. McGregor, rob### [at] mcgregorFineArtcom

#version 3.7;   // beta 39
default { pigment { color rgb 0.75 } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0.5 }}

#include "colors.inc"
#include "math.inc"
#include "rand.inc"

// Globals and radiosity settings

#declare R = seed(1234);

#declare Soft_Shadows  = 1;
#declare Use_Radiosity = 1;

#declare SCALE = 100;

global_settings {
   max_trace_level 5
   #if (Use_Radiosity)
      radiosity {
         brightness      1
         recursion_limit 2
         always_sample   off
         normal          off
         nearest_count   10

// Camera & lights

background { color rgb 0 }

camera {
   location  <0, 0, -15>*SCALE
   look_at   <0, 0, 0>
   right <image_width/image_height, 0, 0>
   angle 30

#declare light_pos = <-1.5, 1.5, 1.5>*SCALE;
light_source {
   color rgb 3
   #if (Soft_Shadows)
      area_light <10, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 10>, 5, 5
      adaptive 2
      orient circular
   fade_distance VDist(<0,0,0>,light_pos)
   fade_power 2

// SSLT subsurface colors

#local sslt_aqua    = <1, 0, 0>;
#local sslt_magenta = <0, 1, 0>;
#local sslt_yellow  = <0, 0, 1>;
#local sslt_blue    = <1, 1, 0> ;
#local sslt_red     = <0, 1, 1>;
#local sslt_green   = <1, 0, 1>;
#local sslt_grey    = <0, 0, 0>;

// Macro: MakeSphere()
//        SSLT Sphere
#macro MakeSphere(clr)

   #local AMT = 0.5;
   //#local amt = < 1.6732, 1.2806, 0.6947>;   // clipka's from subsurface.pov
   #local amt = < 0.001, 0.001, 0.001>*AMT;

   sphere { 0, 1
      texture {
         pigment {rgb 0}
            #local AMT = 20;
            #local amt = < 0.001, 0.001, 0.001>*AMT;
            subsurface { amt, clr }
      texture {
         pigment {
            color_map {[0 rgbt 0][1 rgbt 1]}
            scale 0.2
            turbulence 0.5
            rotate RRand(0, 360, R)
         normal {
            normal_map {
               [0 granite 1 scale 10]
               [1 agate 0.01 ]
            turbulence 0.5
            scale 0.075
            bump_size -5
         finish {
            ambient 0
            diffuse 0.6
            specular 0.25 roughness 0.02
      interior { ior 1.33 }

// The spheres
union {
   object { MakeSphere(sslt_green)   translate x*2.5 rotate z*360/7*0 }
   object { MakeSphere(sslt_aqua)    translate x*2.5 rotate z*360/7*1 }
   object { MakeSphere(sslt_blue)    translate x*2.5 rotate z*360/7*2 }
   object { MakeSphere(sslt_magenta) translate x*2.5 rotate z*360/7*3 }
   object { MakeSphere(sslt_red)     translate x*2.5 rotate z*360/7*4 }
   object { MakeSphere(sslt_yellow)  translate x*2.5 rotate z*360/7*5 }
   object { MakeSphere(sslt_grey)    translate x*2.5 rotate z*360/7*6 }
   scale SCALE
//end file======================================================================



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