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  Another ringworld revisitation  
From: Bill Pragnell
Date: 21 Jun 2010 17:10:01
Message: <web.4c1fd41611a7b4754f28787e0@news.povray.org>
Here's an interactive VR of my ringworld, to counterpoint Thomas' recent
efforts. (Not technically a binary post but anyway).


I actually had to cheat with the sun as well as the sky in the end. It appears
I'm still suffering with some precision issues. Although the shadow squares are
fine, apparently something a million units across but 90 million units away from
the camera doesn't show up. Moving it closer does make it show up, so I'm using
a fake sun-and-shadow-squares union, a mere million units away and scaled
proportionally. The shadows are cast by the actual shadow squares, which have
no_image set. The result should be indistinguishable from the real(!) thing.

I need to play with the landscape some more now, brighten the arch, etc, etc...


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