Here's a simple demo scene to illustrate what's going on. I made it to
experiment with but since it's completed I'll go ahead and post it.
#local HideExtrusion = yes;
//Note the difference in the interior (blue) portions
//when the extrusion is hidden (no_image, no_reflection)
//compared to when it's not hidden. When the extrusion
//is hidden, it still has a radiosity effect on the "I,"
//but not on the "L." When it's not hidden, it has a
//radiosity effect on both letters.
global_settings {
max_trace_level 20
radiosity {
count 300
error_bound .02
nearest_count 16
adc_bailout .1
pretrace_start .08
pretrace_end .004
recursion_limit 2
} //radiosity
} //global_settings
#include "colors.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
camera {
location <0, 0, -20>
direction <0, 0, 4/3>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
rotate -20 * x
} //camera
#local Dome = object {
difference {
sphere {0, 20001}
sphere {0, 20000}
} //difference
texture {
pigment {
gradient z
color_map {
[0 color White * 7]
[.4 color Black]
[1 color Black]
} //color_map
} //pigment
finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
scale <1, 1, 20000>
} //texture
} //object
object {Dome}
#local OuterColor = texture {pigment {color DarkOrchid}}
#local InnerColor = texture {T_Gold_5E}
#local LogoColor = texture {pigment {color SkyBlue}}
#macro CreateLogo (BorderWidth)
#local L_ = object {
difference {
box {<BorderWidth, BorderWidth, 0> <3.55 - BorderWidth, 5.8 -
BorderWidth, 1>}
box {<1.65 - BorderWidth, 1.9 - BorderWidth, -.1> <3.7, 5.9, 1.1>}
} //difference
} //object
#local I_ = object {
box {<BorderWidth, BorderWidth, 0> <1.8 - BorderWidth, 5.8 - BorderWidth,
} //object
union {
object {L_}
object {I_ translate 3.8 * x}
} //union
#end //#macro CreateLogo
#local LogoDepth = 2; //Depth of the entire logo
#local BorderWidth = .2; //Width of the visible border and the invisible
#local BorderDepth = .36; //Depth of the visible border.
#local RadiosityExtensionDepth = .8; //Depth of the invisible extrusion, and
hence the amount of radiosity enhancement.
//The visible logo:
#local LOGO1 = object {
CreateLogo (0)
scale <1, 1, LogoDepth>
texture {OuterColor}
} //object
#local LOGO2 = object {
CreateLogo (BorderWidth)
scale <1, 1, 1.1>
} //object
#local LOGO2 = object {
intersection {
object {LOGO2 texture {InnerColor}}
plane {z, 1 texture {LogoColor}}
} //intersection
translate (-1 + BorderDepth) * z
} //object
#local LOGO = object {
difference {
object {LOGO1}
object {LOGO2}
} //difference
} //object
//Now for the invisible extrusion:
#local LOGO1 = object {
CreateLogo (0)
} //object
#local LOGO2 = object {
CreateLogo (BorderWidth)
scale <1, 1, 1.2>
translate -.1 * z
} //object
#local LOGO1 = object {
difference {
object {LOGO1}
object {LOGO2}
} //difference
translate -1 * z
scale <1, 1, RadiosityExtensionDepth>
texture {pigment {color Red}} //Contrasting color for ease of de-bugging.
#if (HideExtrusion)
#end //#if
} //object
//Combine the visible logo and the invisible extrusion:
#local LOGO = object {
union {
object {LOGO}
object {LOGO1 translate -.0001 * z}
} //union
} //object
object {LOGO translate <0, -2, -LogoDepth>}
plane {z, .8 inverse pigment {color DarkOliveGreen}}
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