Darren New <dne### [at] sanrrcom> wrote:
> > we can control gravity without using a
> > centrifuge. I think this is more unlikely than FTL travel
> Given these are both based on relativity, why would one be more likely than
> the other?
I wasn't aware we had any theories at all that might give us arbitrary gravity
control. I'm a bit behind on my cutting-edge physics though so perhaps I missed
I've certainly not read any SF that offered any explanation for gravity other
than sheer mass, whereas there's lots of genuine relativity-driven FTL travel
ideas knocking around. (I believe the wormholes in Contact were even first
formulated on request specifically for that novel.)
> > .... apart from growing to full human-size from cat-size within days without
> > apparently ingesting any organic matter?
> Surely the people on the ship had to eat. Maybe it found the food stores?
Yeah, that's why I think it's a weak criticism. But even so, it was only a day
or two later that it was fully grown.
> > Event Horizon has some great SF in it,
> I have no idea why everyone liked that movie. I thought it was awful.
Well it was a bit of a mishmash. But they had proper acceleration tanks, and I
couldn't fault Sam Neill's pop-rendition of GR...
> Also: Equilibrium.
> Also: Mission to Mars (altho the movie itself was not that great)
Equilibrium was far too naked (and dumbed-down) a rip-off of Farenheit 451 +
1984. I almost walked out of until the kung fu started up again. Not seen the
Mars one.
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