What really shocked me was the amount of time it took to render. At 42 hours,
it's easily, and by far, the longest render I've ever done. I'm at a loss as
to why, for such a simple scene with no media, no refraction, and no
dispersion. It uses radiosity, focal blur, and an area light, but based on
past experience, I didn't expect them to slow the render by 3000x! (The render
time was only 50 seconds otherwise.)
I shudder to think how much time it will take to render when it is done.
Scene Statistics
Finite objects: 2820
Infinite objects: 1
Light sources: 1
Total: 2822
Render Statistics
Image Resolution 1024 x 768
Pixels: 797041 Samples: 86647962 Smpls/Pxl: 108.71
Rays: 250420261 Saved: 11968079 Max Level: 11/15
Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
Blob 609693596 48514335 7.96
Blob Component 2395951395 584590231 24.40
Blob Bound 9339504591 3556415770 38.08
Box 891971122 202528532 22.71
Cone/Cylinder 11326287504 3548821045 31.33
CSG Intersection 3659876407 455274493 12.44
CSG Merge 1956078928 435935774 22.29
CSG Union 820298001 126193356 15.38
Plane 5731754409 3306269810 57.68
Sphere 1407890416 697525035 49.54
Torus 2577471 2162066 83.88
Torus Bound 2577471 2256822 87.56
Bounding Object 260247717 122254933 46.98
Bounding Box 57664249098 15920548057 27.61
Function VM calls: 79
Roots tested: 191571741 eliminated: 24174561
Calls to Noise: 338101762 Calls to DNoise: 359568296
Shadow Ray Tests: 1127035193 Succeeded: 403130440
Reflected Rays: 97592799
Radiosity samples calculated: 661795 (0.42 %)
Radiosity samples reused: 155828951
Smallest Alloc: 18 bytes
Largest Alloc: 97936 bytes
Peak memory used: 104938953 bytes
Total Scene Processing Times
Parse Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 1 seconds (1 seconds)
Photon Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds)
Render Time: 43 hours 51 minutes 28 seconds (157888 seconds)
Total Time: 43 hours 51 minutes 29 seconds (157889 seconds)
CPU time used: kernel 86.41 seconds, user 151368.00 seconds, total 151454.41
Render averaged 5.19 PPS over 786432 pixels
POV-Ray finished
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