So in case you missed it, here's the summary. No sense making you guess when
the answer's out. POV-Ray distributes the focal blur samples on a rectangle at
the camera location. This gives a rectangular aperture and rectangular bokeh.
To change this, you can either go into the code for the focal blur and alter
the points selected, or you can just block some points physically. The code
below (ca. 2005) creates an aperture with curved blades. It needs some
tweaking in the form of a matrix transformation and better controlled sizing,
but it does do the job. Oh, and this will reduce the brightness of the scene
by about 20%. You get what you pay for.
- Ricky
background{rgb 0}
camera {
up y right x
location <0,0,0>
angle 48
look_at <0,0,3>
focal_point <0,0,-.5>
aperture 0.35 //A little larger than the physical aperture
blur_samples 800
light_source{<15,25,-25> rgb 0.5}
light_source{<30,2,-25> rgb 0.5}
light_source{<45,45,-0> rgb 0.5}
#declare curvature = 0.25;
#declare blades = 5;
#declare ang = 0;
#while(ang < 360)
//intersection of circles form the aperture
translate (1/curvature-1.0)*x
rotate y*ang
#declare ang = ang+360/blades;
scale 0.07 //small
rotate x*90 //in plane perp. to the camera
translate z*.001 //and very close to the camera
pigment{rgb 1} finish{diffuse .7 phong 50 phong_size 1100}
//very strong, sharp phong for the effect
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