Stefan Viljoen <spa### [at] removethispolardcom> wrote:
here were two main inspirations that guided the development of the piece:
> Pretty nice!
Thanks ! (Thanks to nemesis as well.)
> How'd you do the sphere?
> color Clear??
Each latitude "band" is a torus for which the major radius is based on the
sine of an angle stepping from 0 to pi/2 radians and the y-axis elevation
is based on the cosine. The "bottom half" is simply the same tori with the
elevation flipped negative. Using basic CSG, each torus is divided into a
front half, rendered in a basic "rgbft" yellow material (TrYl) and a back
half rendered in a somewhat darker version(TrYlD). The material
definitions appear below.
#declare TrYl = material{texture{pigment{color rgbft<.5,.5,.1,.1,.4>}
finish{ambient 1.5 diffuse .4 }} interior{ior 1.1} }
#declare TrYlD = material{texture{pigment{color rgbft<.30,.30,.05,.1,.4>}
finish{ambient 1.5 diffuse .4 }} interior{ior 1.1} }
Mike C.
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