"Bruno Cabasson" <bru### [at] alcatelaleniaspacefr> wrote:
> Is it a normal radiosity side effect?
Is your dirt a layered texture? I think there's a separate max_trace_level
setting in the radiosity block which would need to be the same as the
global one. I haven't tried this, though, so I could be wrong...
This would also explain why transparent objects seem to block radiosity
for some people (there was a post to this effect recently).
> In order to illustrate, here is the cask used in my scene without and with
> radiosity. I also just noticed that specularity does not show.
Specular and phong highlights are calculated from light sources alone, I
think. If you removed the light sources and lit the scene using only
radiosity then this is to be expected.
I did notice the granularity in your original image, but I wasn't sure if it
was the desired effect or not!
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