problem, but the dots cover a very small area and the problem could be
resolved in an image-editing problem. That's not the Pov-Ray way, though.
sure is bloated. Also, any suggestions on removing the black dots.
help the problem and really slowed down render times. A Google search
revealed a patch for the Linux version of Pov-Ray that was supposed to
program. I use the Windows version.
Thanks, in advance, for any help.
#include "colors.inc"
include "functions.inc"
camera {
location <-14.0, 30.0, -89.0>
angle 111
look_at <4.0, 42.0, 0.0> right x*image_width/image_height
rotate 15.5*y
rotate -5*x
rotate 3*z
light_source {0*x // light's position (translated below)
color rgb <1,1,1> // light's color
translate <0, 460, -520>
#declare Cloud=
isosurface {
function {(f_sphere(x/4.2+2, y/2.8-2, z/1.6-12, 3.9)*f_bozo(x*6.2,
y*6.4-32, z*.18+16))+
f_granite(x/15-13, y/25-13, z/700-74)}//+f_granite(x/30, y/30, z/30) }
contained_by {sphere {0,156.6}}
max_gradient 100
accuracy .00001
threshold .4
max_trace 300
hollow no_shadow
texture { pigment { rgbt 1 } }
interior {
media { scattering {2 .11 extinction .6 } emission <.005,.005,.005>
density {spherical
warp { turbulence 2.8 lambda 4 octaves 4 omega 1 }
density_map {
[0 rgb 0 ]
[.4 rgb .01]
[.7 rgb .0128]
[.99 rgb .0421]
[.995 rgb 1.0001]
[1 rgb .8]
turbulence 6.55
octaves 6
omega 0.7
lambda 2
color_map {
[0.0 0.1 color rgb <.6, .6, .6>*1.6
color rgbt <0.85, 0.85,0.85, .35>*1.6]
[0.11 0.6 color Clear
color rgbt <1, 1, 1, .5>*1.6]
[0.61 1 color Clear // rgb <1.75, 1.75, 1.75>*1.9
color rgbt <0.7,0.7,0.8,.7>]
} } } }
#object {Cloud scale <7,7,2>*.47 rotate 20*z translate 85*y translate 22*z}
sky_sphere {
pigment {
scale 0.35
turbulence .4
octaves 300
color_map {
[0 color rgb <0.25, 0.25, 0.7>]
[1 color rgb <0.9, 0.9, 1>]
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