anyone hungry? i'm learning to cook, so as to prepare more healthy meals to
my daughter, and it got me inspired for another pov picture... :)
source code:
* just for fun... nam### [at] gmailcom oct/2006
********************** scene elements **********************************
/************ color maps ************/
#declare cm_potato_base = color_map { [0 rgb <1,1,.4>][.3 rgb .8*<1,1,.4>][1
rgb <1,1,.6>] }
/************ textures ************/
#declare t_potato_base = texture {
// naked
//pigment { rgb <1,1,.6> }
pigment { bozo color_map { cm_potato_base } turbulence .5 }
normal { average
normal_map {
[1 granite bump_size .2 turbulence .5 scale .1]
[1 bozo bump_size .7 turbulence .5 scale .06]
[.7 bumps 1.1 turbulence .5 scale 1.38]
finish { roughness .1 ambient .4 diffuse .62 phong .16 phong_size 10 }
scale .3
#declare t_potato =
texture { t_potato_base }
texture {
pigment { bozo scale .38 color_map { [0 rgb .6*<.8,.7,.2>][.1 rgbt
1][.2 rgb <.8,.7,.2>][.22 rgbt 1][1 rgbt 1] } }
normal { bozo bump_size 2.2 } // ?? hmm
scale .06
/************ shapes ************/
// cool!
#declare potato = blob {
threshold .3
sphere { -.1*x, .5, .6 scale 2*x }
//sphere { 0, .9, .8 }
sphere { 0, .84, .76 }
/*sphere { 0, .8, .8 }
sphere { .12*x-.1*y, .7, -.28 scale x*3 }*/
sphere { .4*x-.1*y, .5, .7 }
sphere { .5*x, .45, .8 }
sphere { .6*x, .4, .9 }
texture { t_potato }
************** mounting the scene from the declared elements ***********
object { potato }
object { potato rotate 30*x rotate 60*y translate 4*z-.6*x }
object { potato rotate -30*x rotate -120*y translate 4.8*z+2.6*x }
// floor or whatever
plane { y, -.46
pigment { rgb 1 }
finish { diffuse .7 ambient .4 }
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.4 }
light_source { 15-50*z rgb 1
area_light 3*x, 3*y, 4, 4 adaptive .001 jitter
//fade_distance 15 fade_power 2
#declare cam1 = camera { location <-1.2,1.2,-3> look_at -.3*x angle 40
//aperture .16 blur_samples 20 focal_point <-.3,.4,.6>
aperture .08 blur_samples 20 focal_point 0
#declare cam2 = camera { location -3*z look_at 0 angle 40 }
camera { cam1 }
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