....to say the least. :(
Please, can someone advice me in finding the proper setting for this image.
The content of the glass should be whisky.... But I just cant get the color
right, or the proper "shine-thru". :/
And, besides, my pictures always have like a dull filter. *boo-hoo*
Any hints on what one should remember to avoid this?
This is the setting for the glass. Yep, it's the one from the documentation
// A simple water glass made with a difference:
#declare MyGlass=
{ cone { <0,0,0>,1,<0,5,0>,1.2 }
cone { <0,.1,0>,.9,<0,5.1,0>,1.1 }
material { M_Glass3 }
#declare MyGlassWithWater=
{ object { MyGlass }
{ cone { <0,.1,0>,.9,<0,5.1,0>,1.1 }
plane { y,2 }
scale .999
pigment { color rgbft <0.3647,0.2862,0.0156,0.5,0.5> }
normal {ripples 0.5 scale <0.25,0.5,0.25> }
// finish {Phong_Glossy}
object {MyGlassWithWater scale <5,2,5> translate <-25,-5.4,9> }
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