"Jon Buller" <jon### [at] bullersnet> wrote:
> I'm not sure exactly what "PM2 Ring" meant by "Conway lines", but look at
> the circles in the tiles on this page:
> http://www2.spsu.edu/math/tile/aperiodic/penrose/penrose2.htm
> The circles are usually used to make sure that the tiles are not put
> together into rhombuses that just repeat across the plane like squares do.
> I believe Conway added those circles as a simpler way of enforcing the rules
> than what Penrose had done.
Okay thanks, I couldn't find Conway lines anywhere on the internet. But I
have seen these lines before. There's a great program called Penrose Tiler
that creates the lines, or kites and darts, etc here ==>
Here's a picture I did with Penrose Tiler, Illustraor and Photoshop (not
POV-Ray but, oh well) http://www.deviantart.com/view/27686652/
> And now I have a question too. The colors are wonderful, sometimes paired
> up across an edge, and sometimes not. How did you select them and apply
> them to the triangles?
The colors are generated randomly.
#declare R1 = seed(676);
pigment { rgb<rand(R1)*1,rand(R1)*1,rand(R1)*1> }
I'm not really sure how all the code works. I will post it if you would like
to see it.
> P.S. I have a set of macros that do Penrose Rhombs, and another that do
> Penrose Kites and Darts (more like your image). I have found them easier
> to work with and more flexible than any other ones I've seen posted, but
> I'm probably rather biased. The others were helpful with a few hints and a
> push to actually do it, though. If you (or anyone else) is interested, I'll
> finish cleaning them up and post them.
I'm interested. Even if they are unclean.
Thanks, Janet
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