"Tek" <tek### [at] evilsuperbraincom> wrote:
> That makes sense, because pov decides which light group the media's in by
> seeing what the last surface was that the ray passed through. This is of
> course wrong, because what you want to happen is for it to compute one media
> with the light and the other without, but presumably pov just hasn't got a
> way to represent that information internally.
Yes, I see what you're getting at; things aren't quite as logical as I
thought they were.
It would *seem* that, where the light_group sphere on the left intrudes into
the right-hand sphere (the "right half" of the lens shape), the media there
shouldn't be lit either--because that sphere's media isn't part of the
light_group. Yet the light_group's media apparently takes precedence there.
What a brain-twister!
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