"Bruno Cabasson" <bru### [at] alcatelaleniaspacefr> wrote:
> Hi there!
> Here is an attempt for a macro to build a rope that follows a spline using
> blob objects. I think the result is quite satisfactory and fast. I post the
> corresponding include file and the sample scene in p.b.s-f.
> Regards.
> Bruno
One slight nitpick and over-analyzation. Your rope has been defined with a
"lang lay" twist (http://www.dcl-usa.com/wire_rope/). That is the
individual strands twist in the same direction as the strand groups. This
is not a common way to make rope and is susceptible to twisting and
unraveling. The more common (especially in regular rop as opposed to wire
rope) type is the regular lay, where the strands twist opposite the strand
groupings, resitsting unraveling.
Probably more information than you ever needed to know about rope...
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