Florian Brucker <tor### [at] torfboldcom> wrote:
> Hm, those memory values are certainly strange. Just to make sure: You're
> using the mesh-copie mechanism (i.e. declaring and referencing objects)?
Yes, but the single knot was not #declared first, and the others are
#declared as unions of meshes. It looks as if (for meshes, at least) the
declaration takes up the same amount of space as the instantiation, so I've
actually got three knots in memory for the 2-knot case and four knots in
memory for the 3-knot case. So large unions should probably not be
#declared and copied unless the code takes up a *lot* of space!
After playing with the composition of my scene a little, I think I may get
away with just one of each type. This will probably fit into memory without
too much of a squeeze...
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