"Tek" <tek### [at] evilsuperbraincom> wrote:
> ...I'll try to explain my understanding of
> gamma:
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! This is the absolute best discusion of the
topic I've yet seen. Up until this moment, I've been using an assumed_gamma
of 2 ...and wondering WHY so many people choose 1 instead.
Time to make the change!
So if I set assumed_gamma to be 1.0, and want my final POV images to be
viewable on others' machines (both PC and Mac), should I set the
display_gamma (in my QUICKRES.INI file) to a "compromise" value of 2.0
(telling my own monitor to "expand" the color space to 2...the average of
the PC's 2.2 and the Mac's 1.8), so that THEIR machines display the best
version of my image possible--i.e., that as nearly as possible matches what
I see when I render it?
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