Alain <ele### [at] netscapenet> wrote:
> You can use a fuly transmiting plane with an interior that use fade_color,
fade_distance and
> fade_power to give it colour. Use variable reflection with the fresnel attribute.
Place a plane some
> distance under the surface to make the bottom, plane that can have some texture. You
may want tu
> have some fake caustics. In this case, using photons would probably be a waste of
> As for the bumpyness, maybe to much, maybe just right, maby not enough... it all
depend the wind
> conditions, navigation, waves reflections, deepness,... Finaly, it's up to you and
your taste.
> Alain
I'm using variable reflection and a plane under the water.
Maybe I'll try the fade_ options.
Thanks for the tips.
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