ZeSly <zes### [at] nonenul> wrote:
> I rerendered an old scene to make an anglyph view :
> http://perso.wanadoo.fr/zesly/gallerie/chateau_anaglyph.jpg
> You need red-blue glasses or red-green glasses to see it
Hi Sly,
A comment a proposal and a question:
I like your chateau very much, but it isn't much 3D. What I mean is that
stereoscopic view is not possible over a distance of more than 50 meters
(~1.3E-13 light years ;-).
Wouldn't it be cool to make an anaglyph of your "Gateau d'Anniversaire" ?
And my question is:
Is there a macro or something in POV-Ray (MegaPOV ? ) that I don't know, or
did you render with two different camera angles and put the two images
together in a second program?
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