POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : Is it just me.. : Re: Is it just me.. Server Time
13 Nov 2024 01:58:55 EST (-0500)
  Re: Is it just me..  
From: Loki
Date: 10 May 2005 06:10:01
Message: <web.42808827330c67b45c4f4b070@news.povray.org>
Sascha Ledinsky <sas### [at] userssourceforgenet> wrote:
> Keep in mind that the IRTC is not a POV-Ray competition. I agree that it
> is a bit POV-Ray centric, and that one good thing about it is sharing
> POV-Ray code and expirence. I think the main reason for people entering
> the cometition is to get feedback.
> But as far as voting is concerned, it still is a _cometition_, and the
> best image should win...

I'm afraid I totally agree with this, no doubt to Derrick's chagrin.

Why does the comeptition only rarely see entries of truly high (i.e.
highend3d.com) quality?  It's because the competition doesn't *want*
entries like that, because they'd just win hands down month after month and
it would be no fun for the people who don't have access to a full
Maya/Renderman rig.  But in its present form there is nothing stopping
industry professionals entering the IRTC with their work.  Perhaps the IRTC
should be rebranded to clarify that it is not in fact a raytracing
competition on the whole, but a POV specific contest.  The way some people
seem to think of it is that it isn't really even a competition.  It doesn't
have any prize associated with it, and it doesn't, I'm afraid to say, carry
any prestige these days.  Perhaps the Internet POV Ray Gallery (IPRG) would
be a more appropriate name?

>Generalisations like, "...I have seen little truly deserving of the top places.", is
just plain upsetting.

The truth hurts sometimes.


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