POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Isosurface Brick Wall : Re: Isosurface Brick Wall Server Time
19 Nov 2024 12:23:46 EST (-0500)
  Re: Isosurface Brick Wall  
From: Renderdog
Date: 3 Dec 2003 10:45:02
Message: <web.3fce043dd5cd80e23e7f78a60@news.povray.org>
Great looking brick wall. Sorry about the corner normal problem with
the brick wall I posted. For my use (a distant building with corner quions)
it wasn't very noticeable, but it did bug me. I returned to the code later
and fiddled with it, but never got it perfect. The goal with the normals
was to give the bricks realistic edges, rounded but still rough and
variable (each brick unique). I learned isosurfaces later and decided
there was no point to working out the complex normals when the
actual shapes should be possible.

I plan to write a realistic brick wall macro for the final building in
my Venice image (yes, *still* in progress). I may steal some of your
ideas for that. It will be in the foreground so it'll have to be very

I would like to give the mortar a realistic look, with different
mortar textures and joint shapes. I know a few of the techniques
bricklayers use, using a jointer tool. The two most popular joints
are the 'V' and the concave. My house, for instance, has the 'V' joint,
created with the tip of the trowel. The joint type has a big impact
on the overall look of a wall. The flat joint used for your school
seems popular with business buildings, but it doesn't shed water
as well.

There are a lot of other factors/options that could be added to a
brick wall macro, such as roughness of edges and mortar splatter,
and aging/breaking. But the nice thing about a macro is, once
written, it could create many different types of walls.

Look forward to seeing more of your work, and really appreciate you
posting work like this (and your excellent grass macro) here.

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