POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Old Technology...Blank Canvas : Old Technology...Blank Canvas Server Time
22 Dec 2024 15:56:13 EST (-0500)
  Old Technology...Blank Canvas  
From: Renderdog
Date: 24 Apr 2003 10:15:18
Message: <web.3ea7f0455c27d635d08991150@news.povray.org>
Nice composition and concept, and the moss-covered stone walls look
great. For some reason the water in the foreground didn't look natural
to me, but once I got past that I really came to appreciate the "painted"
look of this image. The view through the window was a nice touch.

There are a lot of isosurfaces in this image, including the trees and
even the grass, so a large print of this image would probably look great.

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