POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : help! stuck with a conical flask : Re: help! stuck with a conical flask Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:33:30 EST (-0500)
  Re: help! stuck with a conical flask  
From: Richard
Date: 20 Apr 2003 20:10:03
Message: <web.3ea33696f0bfe71be03273700@news.povray.org>
OK, thanks for all the help. I have fiddled some more and have made some
improvements. I am using lathe to do the shape now, it seems to be working
a bit better (http://www.orang-utan.com/richard3.bmp). However, I still
have a few problems, for example, to get a round base I used a quadratic,
but it sticks out too far, it's a bit bulged - easier to see at
http://www.orang-utan.com/richard3b.bmp . What's the best way to fix this?

I think the main problem now is the lighting, and the background. I don't
want a fancy background, plain white is fine. But I want it to look like
proper glass. Any suggestions?

Lastly, I still need to make this shape hollow. Can I do this by scaling the
entire object and doing a difference?



  #include "colors.inc"
  #include "golds.inc"
  #include "textures.inc"    // pre-defined scene elements
  // global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }
  camera {
    location <12, 17, -22>
    look_at <0, 5, 0>
    angle 45
  background { color White  }
  light_source { <12, 17, -22> color White }
  plane {
    y, 0
    pigment { color White }
  lathe {
  <0.0, 0.0>,
  <4.01, 0.01>
  //  texture { Glass3 }
    pigment { color White }

lathe {
  quadratic_spline      // curved base
    <4.0,  0.0>,
    <4.1,   0.1>,
    <4.0,   0.3>
   // texture { Glass3 }
    pigment { color White }

lathe {
    linear_spline         // sides, straight
    <4.01, 0.2999>,
    <1.45, 9.0>
   texture { Glass3 }
  //  pigment { color White }

lathe {
    <1.4499,   8.999>,
    // <1.5,   12.0>,
    // <1.5,   12.1>,
    <1.45,   12.2>
   texture { Glass3 }
  //  pigment { color White }

lathe {
    <1.4501,  12.201>,
    <1.55,   12.3>,
    <1.65,   12.35>
    texture { Glass3 }
  // pigment { color White }

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