Yea, your right, it looks to "clean".
That's always been a problem for me with pov,
how to 'dirty' an image up.
The contrast is an issue as well.
The photo your thinking of is by Hines. Or is it Abbott?
The best thing about Evans' pics is that you can order
a copy of them from the US gov. An 'original' Evans print, for a
nominal fee!
Spelling does not count.
I was told there would be no math.
=?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F6rg?= 'Yadgar' Bleiman wrote:
>No, not really... the whole thing looks too "clean" - and to me (who at
>the moment cannot recall any Walker Evans picture - is it the guy who in
>the 1920s shot that famous scene of a gang of skyscraper construction
>workers sitting in a row on a steel girder hanging from a crane high
>above New York, having breakfast? ) it appears also to me that the
>contrast is too low...
>See you in Khyberspace -
>Afghanistan Chronicle: http://home.arcor.de/yadgar/index-e.htm
>Now playing: Pacifica (Chaitanya Hari Deuter)
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