POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Something holding up the works... : Re: Something holding up the works... Server Time
4 Nov 2024 21:23:32 EST (-0500)
  Re: Something holding up the works...  
From: LibraryMan
Date: 14 Oct 2002 16:55:03
Message: <web.3dab2e4bb35cc47c2b597c920@news.povray.org>
I acknowledge and appreciate that, but given a camera being focussed on the
SAME EXACT AREA of a scene that has only changed in complexity by, say,
15-20% (not having been too elaborate to begin with, CSG-wise):
1) the older version rendered in 3 min. 52
2) the newer version rendered in > 2 hrs!

Again, the specific area the camera is trained on (exact same location &
look_at vectors) has not really changed that much, but other objects in the
POV file must really be slowing everything down!  And they're not even
visible to the camera!! AARRGH!
Many thanks,

Tim Nikias wrote:
>Note that many CSG-operations (difference, intersection,
>merge) stacked onto (into?) each other slow down the
>calculation process a lot, because a ray has to be tested
>against all objects of the CSG.


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