POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : My first scene : Re: My first scene Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:17:51 EST (-0500)
  Re: My first scene  
From: krus
Date: 12 Sep 2002 15:50:07
Message: <web.3d80ef10461e3f7326f959360@news.povray.org>
ingo wrote:
>in news:3d725c43[at]news.povray.org Frantisek Fuka wrote:
>> Following is my first ever 3d scene. Could someone please give me
>> pointers what could be done better, more elegantly?
>Good start!
>One small comment on the code, always put "global_settings {assumed_gamma
>1.0}" in your scene when developing a new one. It will make shure that
>your scene will render to the same visual result anywhere.
>Good use of arrays!
>Regarding the image, now the difficult part begins, lighting and

Im new to pov too and it is a nice scene u have made.
i know about fotografy though and theres a couple of things that u can do.
u use two lightsouses but both are pointlight. u dont get any lightdepth
add an arealight.
i then chamged the two light to be dim and colored -it adds a moode to the
scene. Some might think thats wrong. Its a question of taste.
Never flood the scene in light. Dim the light and use PoVs amaging different
I added a texture and made the color translusient.
I think taht both the wood texture and the brass texture give interesting
result. -But the brass texture made rendering longer
Below is my sugestions -Thats all they are.

#include "colors.inc"
#include "arrays.inc"
// various (mostly layered) wood textures
// T_Wood1 - T_Wood35
#include "woods.inc"
// several different gold colors, finishes and textures
#include "golds.inc"

// various metal colors, finishes and textures
// brass, copper, chrome, silver
#include "metals.inc"

camera {
     location <9,7,10>
     look_at <0,-5,0>

light_source { <-10,10,20> color Yellow*.3}
light_source { <10,10,10> color Red*.3}

  // An area light (creates soft shadows)
// WARNING: This special light can significantly slow down rendering times!
light_source {
  0*x                 // light's position (translated below)
  color rgb 1.0*1.6       // light's color
  <8, 0, 0> <0, 0, 8> // lights spread out across this distance (x * z)
  4, 4                // total number of lights in grid (4x*4z = 16 lights)
  adaptive 0          // 0,1,2,3...
  jitter              // adds random softening of light
  circular            // make the shape of the light circular
  orient              // orient light
  translate <40, 80, -40>   // <x y z> position of light

#declare R1 = seed(666);

#macro Face_Dots (Dot_Array, rot)
     #local i = 0;
     #local to = dimension_size(Dot_Array,1) - 1;
     #if (to>0)
         merge {
         object {
     #while (i<=to)
         sphere {
         #local i=i+1;
     pigment {White}
     finish {diffuse 0.5}
     scale .5
     translate y*1.2
     rotate rot


#macro Die(Pigment)
difference {
     intersection {
         box {
         sphere {

         texture {
         T_Brass_3C //  T_Wood21 //wood gives a nice result to
         pigment {Pigment}

         finish {diffuse 0.4 phong 1}
     Face_Dots (array[6][2] {{1,1}, {0,1}, {-1,1}, {1,-1}, {0,-1},
{-1,-1}}, <0,0,0>)
     Face_Dots (array[1][2] {{0,0}}, <180,0,0>)
     Face_Dots (array[2][2] {{-1,-1}, {1,1}},<90,0,0>)
     Face_Dots (array[5][2] {{-1,-1}, {1,1}, {1,-1}, {-1,1},
     Face_Dots (array[3][2] {{-1,-1}, {0,0}, {1,1}},<0,0,-90>)
     Face_Dots (array[4][2] {{-1,-1}, {-1,1}, {1,-1}, {1,1}},<0,0,90>)

#macro Rot (Seed)
     Rand_Array_Item (array[4] {0,90,180,270}, Seed)

#local Size=5;
#local Spacing=2.1;
#local i=-Size;
#while (i<=Size)
     #local j=-Size;
     #while (j<=Size)
         object {
             Die (rgbt<rand(R1),rand(R1),rand(R1),0.7>)
             rotate <Rot(R1),Rot(R1),Rot(R1)>
             translate <i*Spacing,1+rand(R1),j*Spacing>
         #local j=j+1;
     #local i=i+1;

regards krus

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