Here's a fixed version of my prism-along-a-spline parametric isosurface.
I had my x's and z's swapped somewhere. I've also drawn in the splines
that generate the surface, and done a bit of tidying up.
// ---------------------------------------------
#version 3.5;
camera { location <2, 0, -5> look_at <0, 0.25, 0> angle 25}
light_source {<100,200,-500> colour rgb 1}
// The open spline
#declare S = function {
spline {
-1, < 0, 0.5, 0.0>,
-0.5, < 0, 0.2, 0.4>,
0.01, < 0, 0.2, 0.2>,
0.5, < 0, 0.4, 0.4>,
1, < 0, 0.0, 0.0>
// The closed spline (prism)
#declare S2 = function {
spline {
-1, <0, 3, -5>, // control point
// There's currently a bug with splines that have coordinate zero
0.001, <0, 3, 5>, // So use 0.001
1, <0, -5, 0>,
1.5 <0, 0, -3>,
2, <0, 3, -5>,
3, <0, 3, 5>, // closure
4, <0, -5, 0> // control point
#declare Fx = function(x,y) {u}
#declare Fy = function(x,y) {S(u).y + 0.08*S2(v).y}
#declare Fz = function(x,y) {S(u).z + 0.08*S2(v).z}
#declare Umin = -1;
#declare Umax = 1;
#declare Vmin = 0;
#declare Vmax = 3;
#declare Iter_U = 100;
#declare Iter_V = 50;
#include "param.inc"
object {Surface
pigment {rgb 1}
#declare ctr = Umin;
#while (ctr < Umax)
sphere {<ctr, S(ctr).y, S(ctr).z-0.22> ,.02 pigment { rgb <1,1,0> }}
#declare ctr = ctr + 0.01;
#declare ctr = Vmin;
#while (ctr < Vmax)
sphere {<1, 0.08*S2(ctr).y, 0.08*S2(ctr).z> ,.02 pigment { rgb
<1,0,0> }}
#declare ctr = ctr + 0.01;
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