POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : (Mac) Quicktime weirdness : Re: (Mac) Quicktime weirdness Server Time
2 Nov 2024 17:19:14 EDT (-0400)
  Re: (Mac) Quicktime weirdness  
From: Tom Stone
Date: 18 Oct 2001 08:54:37
Message: <tom.stone-1810011518540001@d212-151-166-213.swipnet.se>
In article <tom### [at] d212-151-166-213swipnetse>,
tom### [at] swipnetse (Tom Stone) wrote:

>I tried your suggestion, and it almost worked. I succeded when I turned
>off filesharing BEFORE deleting the movie file.

Sorry, I spoke too soon. I tried it again and the same problem appeared.
(Can Norton FileSaver also be a culprit? When pressing force quit, the
dialogue is just as likely to ask if I want to quit Norton Filesaver
instead of asking if I want to quit Pov-Ray. After closing down
FileSharing, it doesn't ask if I want to quit FileSharing or the Finder

It seems like the problem appears when either:
A) When trying to overwrite an empty movie file has been created as a
result of having the wrong settings in the "Set Compression" dialogue.

B) The Movie file is moved or deleted when Pov-Ray is running.

Seems like the workaround is to:
1: Quit Pov-Ray.
2: Delete the movie file.
3: Start Pov-Ray and render again.

However, this might also be wrong. I will test further later tonight

Tom Stone
Domarebacken 42, 14557 Norsborg, Sweden
Phone: Int+46 8 5318 4318, Tel: 08-5318 4318

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