POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Field rendering? : Re: Field rendering? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:56:20 EST (-0500)
  Re: Field rendering?  
From: Tom Stone
Date: 18 Oct 2001 07:48:35
Message: <tom.stone-1810011412530001@d212-151-166-213.swipnet.se>
In article <3bcdbd5f$1@news.povray.org>, "Dennis Milller"
<dhm### [at] mediaonenet> wrote:

>I have made many dozens of POV animations that went from PC (via Premiere)
>to videotape to TV. I've never set field rendering.

Good to know. Thanks.
So, it isn't necessary to use this option when processing it further in
dedicated video editing software.
Is it ever necessary to use this option at all?

>Do you have a way to transfer the video to tape, and if so, maybe give it a

I will have, but not until the spring.

Tom Stone
Domarebacken 42, 14557 Norsborg, Sweden
Phone: Int+46 8 5318 4318, Tel: 08-5318 4318

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