POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Field rendering? : Field rendering? Server Time
2 Nov 2024 17:17:18 EDT (-0400)
  Field rendering?  
From: Tom Stone
Date: 17 Oct 2001 12:53:39
Message: <tom.stone-1710011917550001@d212-151-230-43.swipnet.se>
This isn't a request, just something that I'm curious about.

In " Field Rendering" in the documentation, it says:

"Field rendering is sometimes used for animations when the animation is
being output for television".

Is it possible to get a better definition of "sometimes" in that sentence?
When is it necessary to use this option? Do I need to use it if I'm going
to process the animation further in another program (Premiere,
AfterEffects, etc.)

I'm thinking of making an instructional video tape sometime next year, and
I'm thinking of including a few povray animations, but it would be
frustrating if I had to render everything again just because I've
misunderstood this option.

It would be great if there are any pov user with TV experience that could
add a few pointers about field rendering in the documentation, or perhaps
just give a few hints of where to search for such information.

However, if this is a bad idea, just ignore this posting.

Tom Stone
Domarebacken 42, 14557 Norsborg, Sweden
Phone: Int+46 8 5318 4318, Tel: 08-5318 4318

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