On Mon, 25 Feb 2002 18:10:52 +0100, Rune wrote:
> This still doesn't explain why the option keeps being turned on for me,
> while it keeps being turned off for Felix. That's why I said it might be
> related to the fact that I had it turned on when I installed beta 11.
This all sounds similar to the font in the POV Editor but I reported a
few threads up, I'll make a more datiled roport in that thread later
because I've done some extensive investigation.
> Of course, this doesn't matter as long as the bug is fixed.
<50,-2,50>pigment{checker/*\__\\__/ * \_\\__*/scale 2}finish{ambient.7}}
light_source/*__\\__\\__\\__\\__\( ~ )\__\\__\\__\\__\\*/{<2,5,1>*4,1}
/*\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\__\~ -/__\\__\\__\\__\\__\\*//* Steve */
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