POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : *possible* bug : Re: *possible* bug Server Time
6 Mar 2025 22:00:28 EST (-0500)
  Re: *possible* bug  
From: Ron Parker
Date: 25 Sep 2001 23:23:31
Message: <slrn9r2ihn.6qh.ron.parker@fwi.com>
On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 18:49:03 -0400, Slime wrote:
>If you translate a light source, and that light source has a
>projected_through object specified, the projected_ through object is *not*
>translated along with it. Is that the intended behavior?

I think the projected_through object should be translated too.  Anyone
have any objections?

#macro R(L P)sphere{L F}cylinder{L P F}#end#macro P(V)merge{R(z+a z)R(-z a-z)R(a
-z-z-z a+z)torus{1F clipped_by{plane{a 0}}}translate V}#end#macro Z(a F T)merge{
P(z+a)P(z-a)R(-z-z-x a)pigment{rgbt 1}hollow interior{media{emission T}}finish{
reflection.1}}#end Z(-x-x.2y)Z(-x-x.4x)camera{location z*-10rotate x*90}

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