On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 21:27:16 +0200, Rune wrote:
>"Rune" wrote:
>> I most likely have missed this, but where can I
>> find a recent list of known bugs?
>Hmm, no reply.
>Without such a list I find it difficult to keep track on all the known bugs,
>which ones have been fixed mean-while, which ones are still there, etc.
>Currently there's a lot of messages that goes like "this bug is still there
>in beta X". This could better be avoided if there was a list of known bugs
>where beta testers could see that the Team is aware of the fact that this
>and that bug haven't yet been fixed in the newest beta.
Want me to send you the list of messages in this newsgroup that I have
marked unread? That's my list of known (or at least reported but not
yet investigated) bugs.
#macro R(L P)sphere{L F}cylinder{L P F}#end#macro P(V)merge{R(z+a z)R(-z a-z)R(a
-z-z-z a+z)torus{1F clipped_by{plane{a 0}}}translate V}#end#macro Z(a F T)merge{
P(z+a)P(z-a)R(-z-z-x a)pigment{rgbt 1}hollow interior{media{emission T}}finish{
reflection.1}}#end Z(-x-x.2y)Z(-x-x.4x)camera{location z*-10rotate x*90}
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