On 7 Sep 2001 01:02:30 -0400, QQ wrote:
>Only ask that question when the installer is running under a multiuser
>varient of Monopoly OS (e.g. NT/Win2k); it's much more likely that anyone
>who users a multiuser varient of Monopoly OS will know how to pick the
>correct answer.
For the next month. What's it do when XP comes out and Joe Luser is
running a multiuser operating system but doesn't know it?
#macro R(L P)sphere{L __}cylinder{L P __}#end#macro P(_1)union{R(z+_ z)R(-z _-z)
R(_-z*3_+z)torus{1__ clipped_by{plane{_ 0}}}translate z+_1}#end#macro S(_)9-(_1-
_)*(_1-_)#end#macro Z(_1 _ __)union{P(_)P(-_)R(y-z-1_)translate.1*_1-y*8pigment{
rgb<S(7)S(5)S(3)>}}#if(_1)Z(_1-__,_,__)#end#end Z(10x*-2,.2)camera{rotate x*90}
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