On Thu, 6 Sep 2001 12:04:52 +0200, Hershel Robinson wrote:
>Furthermore, I need to translate this image into a GIF so I can have an
>invisible background, so I am using +FN8 in the command line options
>(Windows version) which I believe creates a 256 color image which can be
>transformed into a GIF without destroying it. That part, anyhow, seems to
>be working.
Actually, +fn8 outputs a 24-bit-per-pixel (8-bit-per-component) PNG, so it
won't go directly to GIF without some sort of color reduction. There is no
way to output an image of less than 15 bits per pixel from POV-Ray, so you'll
have to do some color reduction in any case. This isn't as bad as it
appears, however, as dedicated programs are more likely to be able to do
sophisticated color reduction with access to the whole image than POV can
do looking at the image on a pixel-by-pixel basis.
#macro R(L P)sphere{L __}cylinder{L P __}#end#macro P(_1)union{R(z+_ z)R(-z _-z)
R(_-z*3_+z)torus{1__ clipped_by{plane{_ 0}}}translate z+_1}#end#macro S(_)9-(_1-
_)*(_1-_)#end#macro Z(_1 _ __)union{P(_)P(-_)R(y-z-1_)translate.1*_1-y*8pigment{
rgb<S(7)S(5)S(3)>}}#if(_1)Z(_1-__,_,__)#end#end Z(10x*-2,.2)camera{rotate x*90}
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