POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : anybody in the saarland area / Germany ? : Re: anybody in the saarland area / Germany ? Server Time
21 Feb 2025 13:17:17 EST (-0500)
  Re: anybody in the saarland area / Germany ?  
From: Steve
Date: 7 Nov 2000 11:59:17
Message: <slrn90gcpa.ak4.steve@zero-pps.localdomain>
On Tue, 7 Nov 2000 15:21:45 +0100, Udo Behner wrote:
>Hi !
>Due to my interest in crystals I stepped into
>the POV-RAY scene. Is there anybody in the Saarland area
>using POV-RAY so that we change ideas etc.
>I still have to learn a lot....

You can exchange ideas with people all over the world right here
on the POV news server, welcome aboard.  

Steve              email mailto:ste### [at] zeroppsuklinuxnet

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