POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Searching for logical "not" : Re: Searching for logical "not" Server Time
21 Feb 2025 13:18:25 EST (-0500)
  Re: Searching for logical "not"  
From: Steve
Date: 7 Sep 2000 19:01:15
Message: <slrn8rg7gd.kc9.steve@zero-pps.localdomain>
On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 16:17:02 +0200, Marc-Hendrik Bremer wrote:
>I want do difference two functions (to add a third one afterwards) and thing
>it could be done by "& not". Alas, I can't find the logical "not" operator
>in functions. Do I miss something? Does a simple "& -" the job or is there
>no logical "not"?
>I can't use "sign -1" because that would effect the hole function.
>Thanks in advance,

#declare TheCount=2;

#if(TheCount !=1)




This works, I've just tested it, and I couldn't find it documented, I 
just tried something I've seen in other languages. 

Steve              email mailto:ste### [at] zeroppsuklinuxnet

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