POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Re: Geniales Bild ( mal wieder ) : Re: Geniales Bild ( mal wieder ) Server Time
12 Mar 2025 05:54:19 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Geniales Bild ( mal wieder )  
From: Steve
Date: 20 Jul 2000 19:49:09
Message: <slrn8nf0hp.i38.steve@zero-pps.localdomain>
On 20 Jul 2000 10:09:34 -0400, Ron Parker wrote:
>On Thu, 20 Jul 2000 15:42:55 +0200, Lord Steff wrote:
>>Was the picture send too? If not, the cancel worked
>>in parts.
>The picture was there too, something like 4600 lines or so.

A bit slow on the draw there Ron I got hit by the whole 207K 

Steve              email mailto:ste### [at] zeroppsuklinuxnet

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