POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Making a light source in a building... : Re: Making a light source in a building... Server Time
20 Feb 2025 14:24:24 EST (-0500)
  Re: Making a light source in a building...  
From: Steve
Date: 10 Jul 2000 17:59:01
Message: <slrn8mk3qc.va6.steve@zero-pps.localdomain>
On Sun, 09 Jul 2000 22:33:51 -0800, Lt. Kettch wrote:
>Lets say I have a box that has a smaller box cut out of it, I.E. a room.
>The room also has a window. But when I put a light in the room, it does
>not show through the window. But it does seem to go through walls. What
>is wrong? Could some one post some code for me to paste in?

You could try a media container the same size as the box that you used to
take the middle out of the room, or you could use a high ambient/diffuse value
on the window material.  I used ambient and diffuse on my trafficlights macro
to get that type of effect.  something like:

             pigment{rgbf <1,0,0,0.85>}
             finish{ambient 5
                    diffuse 5
                    phong 0.8 
                    reflection 0.2
                    specular 0.01
                    roughness 0.001
Not sure of the exact values I used, just play around with the diffuse and 
ambient values. 

Steve              email mailto:ste### [at] zeroppsuklinuxnet

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