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From: LanuHum
Subject: Python, subprocess, error!
Date: 29 Jul 2014 15:30:01
Message: <web.53d7f4e6f9a4be657a3e03fe0@news.povray.org>
I want to make a render in a shadow mode for a preview of materials in Blender
In Linux - no problem, preview very good
In Windows don't work

pov_binary = os.path.join(win_home, "bin", "pvengine64.exe")
self._process =


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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Python, subprocess, error!
Date: 29 Jul 2014 19:05:23
Message: <53d828b3@news.povray.org>
Am 29.07.2014 21:24, schrieb LanuHum:
> Hellow!
> I want to make a render in a shadow mode for a preview of materials in Blender
> In Linux - no problem, preview very good
> In Windows don't work
> http://blender-3d.ru/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=753.0;attach=2930;image

It does tell you what's wrong:

"Cannot open INI file 'C:\povray\preview/Preview.ini'."

Make sure the file is indeed at that location.

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From: Mr
Subject: Re: Python, subprocess, error!
Date: 30 Jul 2014 05:40:00
Message: <web.53d8bc654d559dd816086ed00@news.povray.org>
"LanuHum" <Lan### [at] yandexru> wrote:
> Hellow!
> I want to make a render in a shadow mode for a preview of materials in Blender
> In Linux - no problem, preview very good
> In Windows don't work
> http://blender-3d.ru/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=753.0;attach=2930;image
> pov_binary = os.path.join(win_home, "bin", "pvengine64.exe")
> self._process =
> ini:
> Version=3.7
> Input_File_Name='C:\\povray\\preview\\Preview.pov'
> Output_File_Name='C:\\povray\\preview\\Preview.png'
> Width=100
> Height=100
> Bounding_Method=2
> Display=0
> Pause_When_Done=0
> Output_File_Type=N
> Output_Alpha=1
> Antialias=on
> Sampling_Method=3
> Antialias_Depth=3
> Antialias_Threshold=0.1
> Antialias_Gamma=2.5

This Bug is now possibly solved in the official version, thanks for the report:
the preview directory was not created (since I had done it by hand while testing
and forgot to add it in the script later) You can download the corrected version
from the repository or any blender version built after  Monday, July the 28th at
8:02 PM.

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From: Mr
Subject: Re: Python, subprocess, error!
Date: 30 Jul 2014 05:45:01
Message: <web.53d8bded4d559dd816086ed00@news.povray.org>
clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Am 29.07.2014 21:24, schrieb LanuHum:
> > Hellow!
> > I want to make a render in a shadow mode for a preview of materials in Blender
> > In Linux - no problem, preview very good
> > In Windows don't work
> > http://blender-3d.ru/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=753.0;attach=2930;image
> It does tell you what's wrong:
> "Cannot open INI file 'C:\povray\preview/Preview.ini'."
> Make sure the file is indeed at that location.

oh, it looks like something is wrong with the slash/backslash\ handling in the
report.  Can you let me know if the last version does work for you?

wheneverpossible using the os.path module methods to concatenate, truncate or
whatever one has to do with paths makes sure it works more smoothly across
platforms. possibly one slash should be removed from the hardwritten filename
and left to be handled by the python's os.path methods, for instance current
version is:

 previewDir=os.path.join(workDir, "preview")

 ## Make sure Preview directory exists and is empty
 if not os.path.isdir(previewDir):

 iniPrevFile=os.path.join(previewDir, "Preview.ini")
 inputPrevFile=os.path.join(previewDir, "Preview.pov")

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From: LanuHum
Subject: Re: Python, subprocess, error!
Date: 30 Jul 2014 12:25:01
Message: <web.53d91c424d559dd87a3e03fe0@news.povray.org>
"Mr" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> oh, it looks like something is wrong with the slash/backslash\ handling in the
> report.  Can you let me know if the last version does work for you?

I changed all code. Now we use nodes and bl_use_preview = True
I have no Windows. After I will make changes, users will carry out the test,
then to me will tell

> wheneverpossible using the os.path module methods to concatenate, truncate or
> whatever one has to do with paths makes sure it works more smoothly across
> platforms. possibly one slash should be removed from the hardwritten filename
> and left to be handled by the python's os.path methods, for instance current
> version is:
>  workDir=os.path.dirname(__file__)
>  previewDir=os.path.join(workDir, "preview")
>  ## Make sure Preview directory exists and is empty
>  if not os.path.isdir(previewDir):
>  os.mkdir(previewDir)
>  iniPrevFile=os.path.join(previewDir, "Preview.ini")
>  inputPrevFile=os.path.join(previewDir, "Preview.pov")


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From: LanuHum
Subject: Re: Python, subprocess, error!
Date: 2 Aug 2014 14:30:00
Message: <web.53dd2d5c4d559dd87a3e03fe0@news.povray.org>
There was a question: How to give command that Povray rendered without starting
GUI in Windows?
I looked for the answer in Google.
15 years users ask this question, 15 years you don't answer it.

:) :) :)

The automatic exit after a render isn't necessary to me, it is necessary for me
that there was no GUI in general.
Preview function in a blender causes Povray constantly. Who needs GUI for a
The shadow mode is necessary.

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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: Python, subprocess, error!
Date: 3 Aug 2014 02:09:10
Message: <53ddd206@news.povray.org>
On 02/08/2014 20:26, LanuHum wrote:
> Sorry.
> There was a question: How to give command that Povray rendered without starting
> GUI in Windows?
> I looked for the answer in Google.
> 15 years users ask this question, 15 years you don't answer it.
> :) :) :)
> The automatic exit after a render isn't necessary to me, it is necessary for me
> that there was no GUI in general.
> Preview function in a blender causes Povray constantly. Who needs GUI for a
> preview?
> The shadow mode is necessary.
No gui: try to have the unix/linux code in a windows port, via thing
like cygwin.

IQ of crossposters with FU: 100 / (number of groups)
IQ of crossposters without FU: 100 / (1 + number of groups)
IQ of multiposters: 100 / ( (number of groups) * (number of groups))

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From: LanuHum
Subject: Re: Python, subprocess, error!
Date: 3 Aug 2014 08:25:01
Message: <web.53de29984d559dd87a3e03fe0@news.povray.org>
Le_Forgeron <jgr### [at] freefr> wrote:
> No gui: try to have the unix/linux code in a windows port, via thing
> like cygwin.
> --
> IQ of crossposters with FU: 100 / (number of groups)
> IQ of crossposters without FU: 100 / (1 + number of groups)
> IQ of multiposters: 100 / ( (number of groups) * (number of groups))

There is no such option in Povray for Windows?
I will tell about it to users of Windows.
Let them study source codes and cygwin.

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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Python, subprocess, error!
Date: 3 Aug 2014 14:32:57
Message: <53de8059$1@news.povray.org>

> Le_Forgeron <jgr### [at] freefr> wrote:
>> No gui: try to have the unix/linux code in a windows port, via thing
>> like cygwin.
>> --
>> IQ of crossposters with FU: 100 / (number of groups)
>> IQ of crossposters without FU: 100 / (1 + number of groups)
>> IQ of multiposters: 100 / ( (number of groups) * (number of groups))
> There is no such option in Povray for Windows?
> I will tell about it to users of Windows.
> Let them study source codes and cygwin.
> :)

The Windows version always show the GUI and there are now option or 
switch to change that. The only thing that you may try is to start 
minimised. It's possibly the same for the MacOS version.

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Python, subprocess, error!
Date: 3 Aug 2014 15:28:20
Message: <53de8d54$1@news.povray.org>
On 03/08/2014 19:33, Alain wrote:
> Let them study source codes and cygwin.
> :)

I would rather eat cake! :-)



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