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  Ask a question again (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: andy Wang
Subject: Ask a question again
Date: 1 Jun 2008 21:55:01
Message: <web.48434f9b3df8502e35072ccd0@news.povray.org>
Sorry for my poor english!

The Last message not clearly, so I described my problem again.

In my study, the result images have been divided into four parts, namely, bright
objects, shaded objects, bright background and shaded background. source
light's azimuth and zenith angle be fixed,When the camera to change the azimuth
and zenith angle,  the four components will be changed.

The interaction of light and objects, including reflection and transmission.In
my study ,When the light through objects, Divided into two cases :1
through a layer object, objects should be bright ;2 through two or more
layers objects are shaded. But now,pov-ray can not distinguish between the two
cases. I have tried 'filter' and 'tansmit' , but the results unsatisfactory.
How to solve this problem?

Thanks a lot!

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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: Ask a question again
Date: 2 Jun 2008 02:21:40
Message: <2a4744p0ln2usbqjrsbfmeanfo2q2pe6f7@4ax.com>
On Sun,  1 Jun 2008 21:50:12 EDT, "andy Wang" <wjg### [at] yahoocomcn>

>The Last message not clearly, so I described my problem again.

Have you tried a fill in light? That is a shadowless light (
Shadowless Lights,  Using Shadowless Lights) maybe in a
light_group (3.4.8  Light Groups).
You could also adjust the ambient in your textures. 
(  Using Ambient)


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